Reframing The Poster

+ Poster Design
+ Typography
+ Graphic Design
+ Creative Direction
+ Photography
+ Photo Editing
12-2023 | Reframing the Poster

Advised by Nancy Skolos at Rhode Island School of Design.
In fall 2022, I took a course taught by Nancy Skolos on unconventional postermaking. In this class, I was challenged to explore future possibilities and contexts for the poster as a medium—building on its singular capacity to transform ideas into iconic picture planes, and examining the dynamics of typography and image.

Some of the projects I produced include individual posters, sequences, and site-specific installations that explore the potential for interactive discourse in public space.

For this assignment, we were asked to design a series of posters that engage the viewer and tell a story through objects. The objects I chose were Sweet ‘N Low zero calorie sweetener packets. These sugar packets have a nostalgic impact on many people who grew up in America in the 20th and 21st centuries. Throughout history, these sweetener packets were advertised to consumers in a way that portrayed the sugar packets as harmless, the perfect solution to preventing oneself from gaining weight without compromising taste. I wanted to create this poster series to communicate the dark history behind these seemingly innocent and harmless sugar packets.

Type and Image Poster Series

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